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[ News ] Server Merge Updates – Dec 20th


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On 2016-12-22 07:46:41Show this Author Only
still waiting for server 8 to get merged. Only 3 groups in gnw. One of them is slowly dying
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On 2016-12-22 08:56:59Show this Author Only
I'm really enjoying this new ninja group on server 171, called "No opponent this round", they let us have all the wins.... *cough* This post was last edited by Imorh at 2016-12-22 09:30
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On 2016-12-22 09:28:05Show this Author Only
Please Merge Server 168!!! From what I see so far. the server is pretty dead and here are the reasons why:
1) not enough participation for sage world battlefield on some days, "might as well remove the event"
2) can't even get plunder missions' done half of the time
3) the queue tool for team instance never works
4) 2/7 days get arena daily finished (nobody queues up)
5) only 3 groups are eligible to play great ninja war every week
6) nine tails rarely dies
7) nobody response in world chat
8) server is kept alive with alts

Thus, server 168 should merge as soon as possible. Where are we on the server merge list
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On 2016-12-22 09:40:23Show this Author Only
I wish s171 had 2-3 groups for GNW, it's been ONE GROUP for the past MONTH, and before that was only TWO GROUPS since the server started. We've never killed ninetails, plunder never happens, arena is hard to do daily of, matsuri getting impossible, and sage not happening every so often and when it does I'm just fighting my own group.
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On 2016-12-22 12:00:59Show this Author Only
Server 22 Jiraiya could use a merge. GNW today we're down to 3 groups participating, second week in a row now. Only two of the groups ever win, plundering is basically non-existent, and the last two weeks for Fighting Matsuri I can't even find anyone to finish the event for the night. We have a decent amount of powerful players in the server, but there isn't anywhere near enough activity to keep this thing going. Really NEED a merge sometime soon please. This post was last edited by KyuubiShin at 2016-12-22 12:03
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On 2016-12-22 13:01:08Show this Author Only
All noted.
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On 2016-12-22 15:18:56Show this Author Only
Thank you Yuusuke for all your hard and actively reading the forum for potential server merges. Just wanted you to know your efforts in keeping the game alive are appreciated. :) I hope not too many keep give a difficult time I know it can be frustrating to handle petty complaints over the silliest things. Hopefully everyone understands you are doing everything possible to improve their gaming experience.
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On 2016-12-22 19:34:16Show this Author Only

Edit: A lot of our top players have quit to join other servers. Most of us that are left are now mainly in the number one group. GNW gets boring and so does sage when you run into the same people. There were originally 8 i think groups in GNW, nthen there were five, now there are 4. there is borderline 3, but the strongest player is in one of thr group depite its only 20 members. Our top player is also waiting for a merger (nasty guy, musta spent 1000 bucks by now.) We could really use one.
This post was last edited by 113***@facebook at 2016-12-22 19:37
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On 2016-12-22 19:53:03Show this Author Only

hi, server 130 is almost dead, we are 2 group with 4-5 char per group, there is no gnw and sometimes we cannot partecipate at swb, we really need a merge soon, is impossible to play and many people are leaving for that
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On 2016-12-22 19:59:14Show this Author Only
Do you have any plans for merging S98: Yugito ?
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On 2016-12-22 22:25:03Show this Author Only
  • Craven/Trish On 2016-12-22 15:18:56
  • Thank you Yuusuke for all your hard and actively reading the forum for potential server merges. Just wanted you to know your efforts in keeping the game alive are appreciated. :) I hope not too many keep give a difficult time I know it can be frustrating to handle petty complaints over the silliest things. Hopefully everyone understands you are doing everything possible to improve their gaming experience.
You're welcome. :)
It's for this reason that I'm happy to work as hard as I can.
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On 2016-12-22 22:28:19Show this Author Only
All the above are on my list now.
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On 2016-12-23 03:23:59Show this Author Only
Note this as well, why don't you just take half the servers and merge them into the other half, the game would be better for it. I don't know why you bothered designing the gnw finals for 8 groups when no server ANYWHERE has that many active groups.
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On 2016-12-23 08:51:41Show this Author Only
171 desperately needs a merge
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On 2016-12-23 08:53:19Show this Author Only
171 can't do Sage World, can't kill Kurama, and has only one group in GNW. You can only rarely plunder too since none of the other groups are active - the server is dead.
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On 2016-12-23 12:40:00Show this Author Only
Please merge LA Server 22 Jiraya soon. Our Server is legit dead now. Our server has been struggling and has been barely alive / active since September. Alot of people have quit. Some decided to transfer server by making *ternate account on a different server who has more active people. Almost no one is active anymore. Nobody plunders and no one to plunder. We are no longer able to do Sage World cause of insufficient registrations and if we happen to have enough people for it there would only be like 5-7 people for each team. Nobody goes to ninetails anymore as well. Despite having alot of people who are high level with good BPs we cannot kill ninetails without 1 of our top 2 highest BP in the server helping us out to do it. The thing is both of them are lvl 85 and pretty much maxed out on everything so they dont really have any reason to do ninetails anymore they've also been inactive lately. There used to be 4 guilds for GNW but 2 of those guilds were weak and just participate for the packs. 1 week ago 1 of those weaker guilds have disbanded and the remaining members merged with the other weaker guild while the top 2 guilds in the server are slowly becoming inactive and are losing members as well due to them quitting the game. In my honest opinion as soon as the new year arrives our server would no longer have people playing on it. If there is then its just gonna be a handful. You guys might as well delete our server from the list cause legit nobody will be online anymore. :(
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On 2016-12-24 02:41:42Show this Author Only
What about Server 93? any thoughts about merge? or can you check it and say if we will get a merge or not
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On 2016-12-24 02:51:21Show this Author Only
Can we get 109: Mangetsu on the list please? :)
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On 2016-12-24 08:58:32Show this Author Only
server 3 needs a merge
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On 2016-12-24 09:32:16Show this Author Only

is server 105 Tsurugi considred for a merge

because its getting worst with high player quitieng duo the server being dead
Quicky Post

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