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[ News ] Server Merge Updates – Dec 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 22:30:02Show All Posts
Hoping to get S140 added to the list. We're able to do 9 tails easily enough, but the pvp events are getting pretty stale.

Sage world gets around 30 people, half of which are afk/alts.
Matsuri... if you're not finished within the first 20mins you run out of opponents.
Arena wait times can be horrible.
Plunder encounters are getting pretty rare.
GNW we have 3 groups that qualify, 1 group struggles to get half a dozen players. The other 2 groups usually have 15-20 players.

Our server is in better shape than a lot of the other ones mentioned, but we are losing people every week. It would be great if we don't have to wait for the server to die before we get a merge.
Quicky Post

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