Mate i gave up. TBH i have many questions :'D 1. How many control did u have in those video? 2. U beat them smoothly n always have chaos on Jiraiya/Jigokudo 2. How many % they ignore debuff (immune)? 3. How many % water main can control to my main? 4. I need a psychiatrist :'D This post was last edited by Overmain at 2017-1-3 11:14
Here is Trafalgars team for 108 and what you should do each round. Personally, I would rather put Iruka instead of Shurado, cause Iruka can evade mystery, so you get cancel both enemy mysteries in 1st round.
Here is Trafalgars team for 108 and what you should do each round. Personally, I would rather put Iruka instead of Shurado, cause Iruka can evade mystery, so you get cancel both enemy mysteries in 1st round.
1st - Tobi mastery on Tobirama, MC mastery on Hashirama after he stars do launch his barrier 2nd - Kisame mastery on Tobirama 3rd - Kimimaro mastery on Tobirama ( Jiraya and Tobirama must be dead) . . .