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[ Lineup ] Fire Team scarlet blaze HELP


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-18 15:23:50Show All Posts
Currently using GNW Choji for the Akimichi secret which improves def when healing and he eats food every round to recover.

Then I use Karin cause her poison is OP and she heals every round so she can heal GNW Choji.

I use my fire main ofc

Also using Tenten for combo but you could use other ninja that combo as well. However Tenten increases crit rate which benefits everyone and has a high combo.

Something to note:
-Hinata and Neji actually take the basic attacks making them better tanks and they have the palm move that deflects taijutsu (not ninjutsu) and boost their def/evasion

-While Karin is good there are better healers out there. However Karins poison damages the entire enemy team and does a lot to clones which comboes in with chojis stomp however this can be countered.

-Tenten has great comboes but there are stronger ninja who might be more suitable. She is still pretty powerful tho and ive used till now and im about to hit 55.
Quicky Post

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