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[ Events ] Events - Dec 15th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-16 05:12:48Show All Posts
  • BeardedPervert On 2016-12-16 01:16:58
  • So many cry babies...... This may not be an amazing event to you, but to others it may be good. It does have a lot of perks: Orange Chakra Runes, Points for Sage Naruto. If you don't like it you don't have to spend YOUR money on it.
and guys, here we can observe a mod that created a new account trying to chill us down :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-17 06:44:13Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-17 06:14:36
  • I'd say the same to you, if you've seen the amount of times f2p players have complained you wouldn't be saying the same stuff. My point was that they shouldn't be complaining every week for no reason when they contribute barely anything. So please, read first, then think, then post next time. Thanks
f2p players contribute with more than your tiny brain allows you to see...
Now let's imagine a world without f2p.
-Servers got 5 people, some lucky servers got 20
-You will literally fight each other with money, a never ending war where the guy with the biggest wallet wins temporarily, until some other guy comes from work with a bigger paycheck and beats him, and so on
-A lot of people will quit due no competitivity(i got a moron player that got 8k more power than me on my server and still loses against me in pvp)
you owe f2p players more than you'd think, you spoiled brat
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-19 00:21:54Show All Posts
  • nh111 On 2016-12-18 04:21:48
  • They merge them all to a single server and then use all the profits to advertise for more players. I owe no one here ANYTHING. You entitled brat. See how hurling insults actually helped the dialogue? Or just using a label in general?

    But really if all the F2P people were to leave they'd simply merge the P2A folks into one server and just create advertising a start up new servers. It really is that simple. They'd still have competition and it would hurt their bottom line but nothing that couldn't be solved in a few months. Losing all the P2A folks is a different story entirely. This post was last edited by Einherjar at 2016-12-18 04:27
dude i finished a business college, and atm i am studying for a bussiness master's degree...Trust me when i tell you that is A LOT HARDER to get new clients rather than keeping the ones you got, ESPECIALLY when your product is s**t
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 06:43:35Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2016-12-19 01:14:59
  • That would be a lot more believable if you didn't type like a twelve year old.
so because you think i type like a 12 year old that means what i say is not true??Dude, please, i beg you, read a book about business, any book, and after that come and say i am wrong, but with arguments please!
Don't be like:"you're dumb hahahaha", enlighten me, tell me why i am dumb, why i am wrong
Quicky Post

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