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[ Help ] New Players


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 14
  • Posts: 18
On 2016-12-15 13:02:01Show All PostsDescending Order
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Something needs to be done. We just had a new player join our server. Which isn't a problem except for on Server 6. We only have 6 groups in GNW every week. Well all of our group want to be the strongest in the server so we have restrictions and what not. And most of the other groups are basically nonexistant. Like this person been playing on our server for 8 days and knows no one and doesn't have a clue on how to play the game. And due to his lvl he can't join any groups because we all have lvl restrictions. I don't know how a new player picks one of the oldest servers if the the newer servers are meant for newer players, etc. I just hate feeling like an *. And want everyone to get the most enjoyment out of this game.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 14
  • Posts: 18
On 2016-12-15 13:11:43Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-15 13:09:55
  • In that case, you could direct him to a new server! ^-^v
We could but still there should be a recommendation for new people to pick a newer server instead of an older one.
Quicky Post

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