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[ Other ] About the server merge


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-13 23:19:51Show All PostsDescending Order
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So we got our merge with 92,102,106 what happend today is chaos ok ?
chat is so annoying ppl non stop talking and i can't stand it
sage went from a battlefield to a war of p2w
nine tails died in 7 mins so less xp less coins
arena is still empty
too many kids in the chat
so merging 4 servers = death
4 servers is alot i was fine with 35 mins to kill ninetails and with being 3rd or 2nd on battlefield
there's alot of players left server cuz the server got merged and i don't blame them they are completely right
Merge servers are p2w servers , u can't get into ranking without paying
what's my whole point is this merge didn't do anything good to us it's just more players into 1 server to make it even harder for f2p
and it's overall less everything for everyone.
at least when you do merges u should've did ×5 xp and coins for ninetails and made sage top 10 gets a seal scroll if you did this u maybe will be balancing things out
i'm not saying merging is bad but what's the point if u put 4 servers into 1 putting 4 servers into 1 makes things harder what's the point of putting more players into a server with less rewards than 4 servers i mean if i could get 600k xp on my old server in ninetails why would i love getting 100k xp on a merged server the whole point is when you merge servers together you should understand players. it's not all about getting more numbers
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-14 01:03:22Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-14 00:57:08
  • ;P

    Did you expect to be the top player on your server still after a merge?

    This is what is normal for servers like S1 and S2 who have always had an insane number of active people.
if i want a high number of players i would've gone to 1 not 90 :) i don't want to lose xp , coins, seals just cuz they feel like they want to
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-14 18:32:59Show All Posts
  • LordMeul On 2016-12-14 01:33:57
  • so.. whats the problem?
    just.. keep moving.. :victory:
the game is just unenjoyable ?
Quicky Post

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